How to Create Compelling Virtual Presentations that Will Wow Your Audience
October 15, 2020

Effective Action at a Distance: How to Create Compelling Virtual Presentations that Will Wow Your Audience and Get the Job Done
The way people work, live and go to school has changed in countless ways over the last couple of years. The trend toward telecommuting that was already underway has now exploded, with millions of workers trading their office cubicles for the safety and independence of their own home offices. The trend toward online shopping that has threatened brick-and-mortar retailers for years has now accelerated, with home delivery of groceries and other staples the new normal.
The world of education has changed enormously as well, with virtual classrooms and online learning fast becoming norm, but one thing has not changed. In this uncertain world, an effective and compelling presentation is still worth its weight in gold, and presenters who can get the job done will find themselves in high demand.
Now that financial constraints and safety concerns have made in-person presentations and guest speakers impractical, businesses, nonprofit agencies, colleges and school districts must work even harder to reach their intended audiences. The need for professional growth, lifelong learning and motivation have not gone away, but everyone needs to recognize the new normal.
If anything, issues like professional growth, educational assistance and career advancement have become more critical than ever before, and it is up to the creators of virtual presentations to fill the gap. With the right technological tools and the most talented presenters, virtual presentations can be just as effective, if not more so, than their in-person equivalents.
From schools and colleges to corporate boardrooms and the headquarters of nonprofit agencies, virtual presentations have become the new normal, but the path forward has not always been a smooth one. There were enormous growing pains in the beginning, with technological snafus, slow internet connections and simple unfamiliarity getting in the way.
Now that everyone is more familiar with the new normal, these technological considerations have given way to other problems, including a lack of talent on the part of the presenter. Anyone who has ever sat through a boring Zoom meeting or endured yet another PowerPoint presentation can identify with this problem, but there is a way out of the morass.
By bringing in talented presenters who understand the importance, and the power, of virtual communications, for-profit business leaders, the directors of nonprofit agencies and educational professionals can develop the talent at their companies, build a better workforce for the future and inspire a whole new generation of lifelong learners.
Businesses, schools and nonprofit agencies may not be able to host live motivational speakers and corporate trainers, but that does not mean their employees and volunteers cannot enjoy compelling and entertaining presentations. Along with the rest of the world, motivational speakers have adapted to the new normal, changing their presentations to be Zoom-friendly and using all the technological tools at their disposal to wow their audiences from coast to coast.
Want to discuss ideas on how to ramp up your virtual presentations or virtual event? Get in touch and give NiKnack Marketing a holler. We combine creativity and strategy to help build brands and experiences.